Each year, the Show Us Your Type poster competition focuses on the name of a city. In 2016, Ilina Catana and Bureau Hardy Seiler proposed a series of posters about Berlin.
Concept Bureau Hardy Seiler / Studio Catana
Design Studio Catana
The following year, Ilina Catana decided to pursue one of these proposals. The bold and contrasted poster is inspired by Marcel Winatschek’s text “Berlin - City of Stagnation”, describing Berlin as a stagnant city where the author feels trapped. The typographic poster is built on a rigorous grid of black and white lines. The composition alludes to the universe of a labyrinth where the author’s words are captured.
Each year, the Show Us Your Type poster competition focuses on the name of a city. In 2016, Ilina Catana and Bureau Hardy Seiler proposed a series of posters about Berlin.
The following year, Ilina Catana decided to pursue one of these proposals. The bold and contrasted poster is inspired by Marcel Winatschek’s text “Berlin - City of Stagnation”, describing Berlin as a stagnant city where the author feels trapped. The typographic poster is built on a rigorous grid of black and white lines. The composition alludes to the universe of a labyrinth where the author’s words are captured.
Concept Bureau Hardy Seiler / Studio Catana
Design Studio Catana